Fitness Haul

Fitness Haul

It’s June 1, and I have had my last taste of chocolate chip cookies. From time to time, I’m sure I’ll reward myself with a few, but today is marked as the day of change! Though they are super yummy, cookies and chips don’t always make me feel great. Watching youtube videos all day, though entertaining, doesn’t give me much energy. So, today I decided to go fitness shopping. What better way to motivate yourself to exercise than to shop?

First stop: Sports Authority. This trip was long due. My old sneakers are beat up, and if there’s anything I learned from two seasons of Track it’s that you need to take care of your feet. If you don’t wear the proper shoes, you could get hurt (says the girl that had shin splints for months). I picked out a pair of classic black/white Nike shoes. My mom then reminded me that I was running low on socks. I go to sleep with them on, and when I wake up they’re gone. Does that only happen to me? I snatched 2 pairs of Adidas CLIMA COOL socks.

Next stop: Target. I don’t care how you pronounce it, but Target is amazing! There, I bought 2 pairs of shorts. I usually wait until later to go out for runs because the sun is so harsh during the day. I figured neon colored shorts might help those late night drivers see me. I also picked up a much needed yoga mat. It is the Gaiam Be Inspired 4mm Yoga Mat. Not only is it comfy, but it is also very positive! It reads, “Everyone Smiles in the Same Language”.

Now, on the hanger, working out may seem like fun, but let’s face it, you need a lot of motivation to run in the heat. Below are some tunes that are sure to get your feet moving!